Telecommunication systems
The research of the division is focused on:
- electromagnetic wave propagation modelling;
- modelling and design of antennas and antenna systems;
- modelling and design of radio communication systems including ad-hoc networks;
- automation of complex measurement procedures, e.g. in electromagnetic compatibility;
- signal and image processing (filtering, coding, compression);
- application of computational intelligence (artificial neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logic) for processing and recognition of signals and images, telecommunication traffic engineering, and solving global optimisation problems;
- modelling, design, and testing of real time services;
- modelling, design, and testing of specialised integrated circuits;
- coding and information theory.
Design and application of metamaterials
Electromagnetic metamaterials (EM) are synthetic structures with special electromagnetic properties such as negative value of the refractive index – as postulated by Veselago. They have become an active research area because they exhibit unusual EM responses not attainable with natural materials. Some attractive application examples are in superlensing, cloaking, artificial
Design of antennas and Wireless Body Area Networks
The research in the field of antenna design, which is carried out at the Institute of Electronics, is related to the development of modern wireless communication systems. These include systems designed to work in the proximity of human body. They require the development of new antenna designs and the