Biomedical image and signal analysis
The ongoing development of modern medical technologies, such as magnetic resonance imaging, positron-emission or computer tomography, stipulates the need for efficient and effective methods of biomedical data processing and recognition.
Human-system interaction
Rapid advancements in information and computer technologies (ICT) support more and more human activities. A particular challenge is to build user friendly interfaces for ICT systems that decide about their usability and performance.
Telecommunication systems
The research of the division is focused on:
- electromagnetic wave propagation modelling;
- modelling and design of antennas and antenna systems;
- modelling and design of radio communication systems including ad-hoc networks;
Electronic and Infrared systems
In the Institute of Electronics, the innovative infrared (IR) systems are being developed. Such systems implement the advanced hardware and software solutions, including the latest methods of data analysis and processing.