Mobile system aiding visually impaired in mathematics learning

Author: Izabela Borowiecka

The aim of the thesis was to develop a method to sound graphs of linear function and its implementation in mobile system aiding mathematics learning. The application is for visually impaired and blind people, therefore all available options are presented by voice communications. The major feature is to express graph of linear function, which coefficient are selected by user, with sound. Moving finger along the graph, generate high frequency tone and activate vibrations, as it moves away, the frequency reduced twice until generate and vibrate are stopped. In addition, pointing on axes causes generating low frequency tones. User also may get a feedback information about point: its coordinates and the information, if the graph contains the point.
Application is written in Java and it is available for mobile devices with Android operating system. The program has been tested by sighted and blind people. A positive feedback was given by testers, so application was done well.

More info:

I. Borowiecka, P. Skulimowski, M. Bujacz, A. Radecki, P. Strumiłło; “Interaktywna sonifikacja obrazów dla niewidomych – badania pilotażowe“, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, ISSN 0033-2097, e-ISSN 2449-9544, nr 9, s. 98-101, 2016.