Author: Dagna Turant
The purpose of this engineering thesis was to build a flexible system providing sound support for hypsometric maps. The system consists of two applications. The desktop application assists the sighted user at preparing the map. It helps creating map-related data like map legend and location of cities and rivers and preprocesses the image. The mobile application targets persons with visual impairments. The application represents the graphical map data in the audio form using both sound of different frequencies to communicate the elevation change and speech synthesis to announce cities and rivers. The user can also learn about the distance between two given cities which is communicated by the synthesizer after the cities have been tapped. Another feature is zoom, which enables enlarging a given area of the map. Application at the zoomed state provides the user with more data about a given area. The mobile application was tested by blindfolded users and received positive feedback.
The desktop application was written using JavaFx technology. The mobile application was written in Java for the Android platform.
More info:
Skulimowski Piotr, Turant Dagna; “Mobilny system wspomagający naukę geografii dla osób z niepełnosprawnością wzroku, s.418-423”, XVI Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki KKE 2017.Darłowo, 2017, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2017, rocznik 2017, nr 8, s. 124-126; ISSN: 0033-2097.