
Research project


Our main projects

  • Remote Assistance System …
  • Sonified Stereovision Tra…
  • Mobile Application for th…
  • GPS Navigation for the Bl…
  • Radio Beacons for Local N…
  • Real Time Tracking of Pub…
  • Haptic Imaging

Remote Assistance System for the Visually Impaired

Using a small device equipped with a camera and GPS a blind person can receive assistance from a remote operator sitting at a computer.

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Sonified Stereovision Travel Aid for Local Navigation

Using wearable stereovision goggles and sophisticated computer algorithms 3D scenes are represented by auditory codes allowing a blind user to “hear obstacles”.

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Mobile Application for the Blind

Specialized \\\\\\\"Asystent\\\\\\\" software package for mobile phones includes an auditory menu interface, customizable readability, color recognition and navigation programs.

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GPS Navigation for the Blind Using a Mobile Phone

Access to a P.O.I. database allows blind travelers to obtain GPS travel directions to any address, nearby points of interest or to plot and follow custom paths.

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Radio Beacons for Local Navigation

A positioning system for short-range outdoor or indoor use using radio markers placed in the environment. A blind user can identify and find out the distance to the nearest marker.

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Real Time Tracking of Public Transport Vehicles

Using specialized mobile phone software, blind persons can obtain access not only to up-to-date bus and tram schedules, but also accurate estimates of arrival times or delays.

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Haptic Imaging

The haptic presentation system was built in order to enable the blind people a touching interaction with 3D real objects created in virtual reality.

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Thursday, 05 Dec 2024

The project is financed by the National Centre of Research and Development of Poland in years 2010–2013 under the grant NR02-0083-10.

The project is financed by the National Centre of Research and Development of Poland in years
2010–2013 under the grant NR02-0083-10.

A system enabling independent travel

A system enabling independent travel and access to urban infrastructure for the blind and visually impaired: integration of wireless technologies with global and local navigation systems.   Worldwide, there are 314 million of visually impaired and 45 million of them are blind. According to EU reports for every 1000 Europeans 4 are blind or visually impaired. Vision loss is the most serious sensory disability that causes approx. 90% depravation of entire multi sense perception for a human. In spite of a long lasting research record independent mobility and orientation aids for the blind still await for a ground-breaking methodology and technology that would effectively support visually impaired individuals with safe and effective travel in unknown environments. No single solution of electronic travel aids has gained a wider acceptance within the blind community. The low cost...

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Press articles

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They'll help the blind

They'll help the blind

Pomogą niewidomym The article in the Lodz edition of Gazeta Wyborcza...

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Public Transport for the blind

Public Transport for the blind

MPK dla niewidomych The article in the Lodz edition of Gazeta...

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Electronic eyes

Electronic eyes

Elektroniczne oczy Życie Uczelni, Newsletter of the Lodz University of Technology,...

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Glasses for the Blind

Glasses for the Blind

Okulary dla niewidomych Published online in Innovation Portal Science in Poland,...

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Scientists from the Lodz University of Technology convert 3D video to 3D sound f…

Scientists from the Lodz University of Technology convert 3D video to 3D sound for the blind

Uczeni z PŁ dla niewidomych przekształcają obraz 3D na dźwięki...

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The Orange group tested the Lodz technology in Paris

The Orange group tested the Lodz technology in Paris

Grupa Orange testowała łódzką technologię w Paryżu The article in the...

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L'Institutde lavisionteste la canne blanche haute technologie

L'Institutde lavisionteste la canne blanche haute technologie

L’Institutde lavisionteste la canne blanche haute technologie November 5, 2011 –...

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Naviton - electronic guide for the blind from the Technical University of Lodz

Naviton - electronic guide for the blind from the Technical University of Lodz

Naviton – elektroniczny przewodnik dla niewidomych z Politechniki Łódzkiej The article...

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Assistant NN, a phone for the blind

Asystent NN, czyli telefon dla niewidomego The article in Gazeta Wyborcza,...

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Driving without looking

Jazda bez patrzenia Author: M. Matacz Popular science article on electronic systems...

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Seeing sound - how to show the world to a blind person?

Widzenie dźwiękiem – jak pokazać świat niewidomemu? Author: M. Bujacz Popular science...

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Primary Contact

To send feedback or suggestions contact:
Medical Electronics Division
Institute of Electronics, Technical University of Lodz

PL 90-924 LODZ

211/215 Wolczanska Str. 
tel: (+48) 42 631 26 46