Zakład Elektroniki Medycznej

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Rok: 2011

  • Szczypiński, P., Klepaczko, A. & Strzelecki, M. (2011). An Intelligent Automated Recognition System of Abnormal Structures in WCE Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6678, 140-147. [Więcej] [Url]
  • Klepaczko, A., Kociński, M. & Materka, A. (2011). Quantitative description of 3D vascularity images: texture-based approach and its verification through cluster analysis. Pattern Analysis & Applications, 14(4), 415-424. [Więcej] [Url]

Rok: 2010

  • Klepaczko, A. & Szczypiński, P (2010). Algorytm lokalnej aproksymacji wielomianowej w zastosowaniu do segmentacji obrazów endoskopowych. In XVI Krajowa Konferencja Biocybernetyka i Inżynieria Biomedyczna, pages 67. [Więcej]
  • Klepaczko, A. & Materka, A. (2010). Combining Evolutionary and Sequential Search Strategies for Unsupervised Feature Selection. Artifical Intelligence and Soft Computing Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6114, 149-156. [Więcej] [Url]
  • Klepaczko, A., Szczypiński, P., Daniel, P. & Pazurek, M. (2010). Local Polynomial Approximation for Unsupervised Segmentation of Endoscopic Images. Computer Vision and Graphics Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6375, 33-40. [Więcej]
  • Klepaczko, A. & Szczypiński, P. (2010). Automated Segmentation of Endoscopic Images Based on Local Shape-Adaptive Filtering and Color Descriptors. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6474, 245-254. [Więcej] [Url]
  • Szczypinski, P. & Klepaczko, A (2010). Automated Recognition of Abnormal Structures in WCE Images Based on Texture Most Discriminative Descriptors. In Choras & Ryszard (editors), Image Processing and Communications Challenges 2 Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 84. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. [Więcej] [Url]

Rok: 2009

  • Klepaczko, A. & Materka, A. (2009). Clustering stability-based feature selection for unsupervised texture classification. Machine Graphics and Vision, 18(2), 125-141. [Więcej]
  • Klepaczko, A., Kocinski, M. & Materka, A (2009). Cluster Analysis in Application to Quantitative Inspection of 3D Vascular Tree Images. In Kurzynski, Marek, Wozniak & Michal (editors), Computer Recognition Systems 3. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 57. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. [Więcej] [Url]
  • Klepaczko, A., Kociński, M., Materka, A., Chekenya, M. & Lundervold, A (2009). Texture Analysis in Application to Quantitative Study of 3D Vascular Tree Images. In Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2009. ISPA 2009. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on, pages 730-735. [Więcej] [Url]
  • Skulimowski, P., Klepaczko, A. & Strumillo, P (2009). An application for smartphones dedicated for the blind and visually impaired users. In Conference on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairments, CVHI 2009, pages 1-6. [Więcej]
  • Szczypinski, P. & Klepaczko, A (2009). Selecting texture discriminative descriptors of capsule endpscopy images. In Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2009. ISPA 2009. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on, pages 701 -706. [Więcej] [Url]
  • Szczypinski, P. & Klepaczko, A. (2009). Convex Hull-Based Feature Selection in Application to Classification of Wireless Capsule Endoscopic Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 5807, 664-675. [Więcej] [Url]
  • Szczypinski, P., Strzelecki, M., Materka, A. & Klepaczko, A. (2009). MaZda - A software package for image texture analysis. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 94, 66-76. [Więcej]
  • Szczypinski, P., Strzelecki, M., Materka, A. & Klepaczko, A. (2009). MaZda - The Software Package for Textural Analysis of Biomedical Images. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 65, 73-84. [Więcej]

Rok: 2007

  • Klepaczko, A. & Materka, A. (2007). Applying cluster analysis to feature selection for data classification. ZESZYTY NAUKOWE POLITECHNIKI ŁÓDZKIEJ, 111(1004), 55-63. [Więcej]
  • Klepaczko, A. & Materka, A (2007). Selekcja cech dla nienadzorowanej klasyfikacji wektorów danych. In Kowalczuk, Zdzisław & Bogdan, W. (editors), Inteligentne wydobywanie informacji w celach diagnostycznych. PWNT, Pomorskie Wydawnictwo Naukowo-Techniczne. [Więcej]
  • Szczypinski, P., Strzelecki, M., Materka, A. & Klepaczko, A (2007). MaZda - the software package for textural analysis of biomedical images. In Kacki, E. & Stempczynska, J. (editors), Proceedings of International Conference Computers in medical activity, pages 91-92. The College of Computers Science. [Więcej]

Rok: 2005

  • Klepaczko, A. & Materka, A (2005). Feature Selection in Unsupervised Context: Clustering Based Approach. In Kurzynski, M., Puchala, E., Wozniak, M. & Zolnierek, A. (editors), Computer Recognition Systems, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, CORES'05, pages 219-226. Springer. [Więcej] [Url]

Rok: 2004

  • Klepaczko, A. & Materka, A. (2004). Clustering quality based feature selection method. Machine Graphics and Vision, 13(4), 355-376. [Więcej]

Rok: 2002

  • Klepaczko, A., Napieralski, A., Kielbik, R., Moreno, J. M. & Cabestany, J (2002). Hardware Implementation of Programmable Multi-layer Perceptron Structure on the Triscend System-on-Chip Devices. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES 2002. [Więcej]



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L. Carroll,  "Przygody Alicji w Krainie Czarów"

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Instytut Elektroniki
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